u Srbiji
Dokazano je da PRP pomaže u efikasnom uklanjanju ožiljaka i drugih tragova post-akni. Ubrizgavanjem PRP seruma ispod ožiljaka, dermatolozi stimulišu proizvodnju kolagena u donjim slojevima kože. Kao rezultat toga, koža je ujednačena. Pored vraćanja besprekorne kože, PRP takođe može pomoći u sprečavanju novih izbijanja. To je zato što terapija izaziva protok krvi, hranljivih materija i kiseonika, koji pomažu u uklanjanju nakupljenih toksina u koži. Da bi poboljšali rezultate procedura, lekari mogu koristiti i dermoabraziju ili brušenje mikro iglama.
Godine 1989. Ros Andrey Vladimirovič je diplomirao na Moskovskoj medicinskoj akademiji i nastavio školovanje u inostranstvu.Specijalizirao je plastičnu hirurgiju u Carmel and Horev Medical Center (Haifa, Izrael), a specijalizirao je estetsku hirurgiju na Univerzitetu Brown, SAD. Završena specijalizacija iz kardiohirurgije (Rambam Medical Center, Izrael).
Šef Beauty Space Clinic, plastični hirurg, redovni član Evropske akademije za plastičnu hirurgiju lica (EAFPS), član Evropskog društva rinologa (ERS), član Društva plastičnih rekonstruktivnih i estetskih hirurga OPRES (SPRAS). Autor 12 naučnih radova iz oblasti plastične i estetske hirurgije.
Review of Spacelifting surgery at St. Medica
I highly recommend Dr. Andrej Ross, who is a very well-regarded plastic surgeon with many years of experience, and an expert in the Spacelifting technique. I was considering having a Spacelift procedure for several years, and Dr. Ross was patient and helpful, reassuring me throughout the process. He helped me determine if the procedure was right for me, and he made sure that my expectations were well managed. I appreciated how important patient safety was for him, and Dr. Ross always made it clear that this was his priority.
The surgery itself went extremely well. My Hospital stay – at St. Medica in Belgrade – was excellent. I received great care from all the staff. Although I expected there to be some pain after surgery, I experienced very little discomfort. The clinic’s cardiologist and anesthesiologist both met with me before the surgery. The medical facilities at St. Medica are immaculate and advanced, and the nurses and others that work in the hospital were all professional and friendly.
The results are quite impressive! Not even two months have passed since the surgery, but I look at least 10 years younger. I was told that the cosmetic benefits will continue to develop. I want to give special thanks to Dr. Olga Nosova, who cared for me after the surgery. In addition, the assistant of Dr Ross, Zuhra, made my stay in Belgrade into an enjoyable travel adventure. Not only did she rent a very nice apartment for my stay, but she also provided contacts for her drivers, who helped me to explore Belgrade, and travel easily within the city.
Now that I have had time to reflect, I am very happy that I made the decision to trust Dr. Ross and his St Medica team with my care.
Beauty Space Clinic je jedinstveni centar za estetsku medicinu i plastičnu hirurgiju u Moskvi. Ponos naše klinike je zbijen tim specijalista sa odličnim obrazovanjem i iskustvom u najboljim medicinskim centrima u SAD, Izraelu i Evropi.
Koristimo samo najefikasnije i najsigurnije savremene tehnike – svemirska hirurgija lica, endoskopski lifting lica, povećanje grudi bez ožiljaka metodom Endobreast, laserska blefaroplastika i otoplastika, lipofiling i mnoge druge. Među našim partnerima su vodeći svjetski proizvođači implantata i medicinske opreme, kao što su Allergan, Mentor, Silimed, Deca. Ušteda na opremi ili potrošnom materijalu nije u našim pravilima.